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Studio Session-031.jpg

Prosight Tweaker

A sleek and clean installation of the Connex Prosight

When the Prosight was announced Randy Slavin (he of NYCDFF and Liberty Cup fame) immediately told me I had to design a frame around it. Then he went ahead and contacted Connex while I was still chatting with Yorick in the graveyard. The next thing I knew Connex was on the phone, offering me a unit at cost to work from. Ok, I guess I'm doing this...I ordered that unit and awaited its mid-July release.

Then Randy looped me in on a vlog series with Mashable, where a reporter would build and learn to fly a drone in short order, culminating in competing at the Liberty Cup. Connex got wind of this and lo and behold a pre production unit showed up at my door. 

The Prosight is a little big for a pared down X frame, and a little too pricey to be bashed around as a full time racer, at least for me (I light my cigars with singles, not twenty dollar bills). I may still design a frame around it, but for the time being I decided to work it into a Tweaker 5 cleanly. I pictured it as a fun-fly acro setup, something you take out to enjoy beautiful HD FPV, not a high performance rig you push and crash every other battery.

The Prosight consists of three units on the quad: a CMOS cam mounted with rubber ball dampers, a large-ish VTX, and a big T shaped antenna with a soft rubber mount to soften impacts. All three are somewhat at odds with normal FPV components and require special mounting considerations.

For the camera I reworked the Tweaker cam mount, thinning the sides, hoping that would make the TPU soft enough to suck up vibes and prevent jello. The cam's mounting screws are below the lens axis, which means the lens projects forward as it tilts down. I had to alter the curve of the cam mount so the lens wouldn't pop out as it rotated. This was just weird enough to be an enjoyable 3d modeling challenge.

Not quite an arc.

It worked! The lens rides on the notches all the way through, 5, 20, 35, and 50 degrees.

For the VTX, I drew up a cradle that rides on two sets of standoffs. I had to eliminate a set of the Tweaker's standoffs to make room for the VTX. I surrounded it with TPU on all sides to protect it from impacts against the frame. The four mounting points will give it some rigidity, so I made the part itself as minimal as possible.

There's two sets of holes for RX antennas.

Lastly, the antenna, a big rigid T. The Prosight comes with a bolt-on rubber mount, but I didn't want to drill into the frame. Instead I drew up a mount that slides over the rear standoffs. TPU isn't as soft and floppy as the supplied mount, but it still flexes 'til the antenna is flush with the top of the frame. 

And there you have it, a nice, clean setup for the Prosight. Full disclosure, the first iteration of the antenna mount didn't allow for as much flex and I broke an antenna because of it. The same crash dislodged the power connector on the pre-production VTX. As far as I can tell it was from the g-forces in the crash, not direct contact with anything. Connex have assured me that the part has been strengthened on production units. I think I've protected the components well, but as always, flyer beware.

The STL files are here, print them in TPU 'cause every part needs to flex. If you want me to print them for you go here.